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May is National Electrical Safety Month

Do you and your family know how to avoid electrical hazards? May has been designated National Electrical Safety Month. Now is a great time to learn more about avoiding electricity-related tragedies. Accidents and fires involving electricity result in more than a thousand deaths and tens of thousands of injuries each year in the United States.

There might be some potential electrical hazards that you aren’t even aware of. For example, the shiny coating on a helium filled mylar balloon is a great conductor of electricity. If it comes in contact with an overhead power line, it will cause a surge of electricity. The surge can cause electrical arcs, explosions, fires and power outages.

Spring planting season for farmers is another instance to remember electrical safety. Field cultivators can be more than 12 feet in the air, and that means it may enter the 10 foot danger radius around power lines which safety authorities warn everyone to avoid. Many sprayers that will be used for crop chemical application will also have booms that could come in contact with overhead power lines.

For more safety information go here.

If you or a loved one has been injured contact the experinced injury attorneys at Gump & Faiella. We handle cases involving electrical shock, burns and death. Call Now 1-800-264-3455 or go to or contact page and fill out a no risk form for a free consultation about your legal rights. At Gump & Faiella, your case is our cause.

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