How to File a Car Accident Claim?

If you want to settle your car accident case, you will need to file a claim and then negotiate to get the payment you deserve. As long as you are fully prepared and confident, the process should not be too difficult. How you file will make a significant difference with your chances of obtaining a full and fair recovery. For that reason, we encourage you to work with a knowledgeable Columbia personal injury lawyer.

From the start of your case until the very end, our firm’s attorneys can help you complete your car accident claim and ensure that it is clear, comprehensive, and accurate. We have more than 80 years of combined experience and a powerful reputation that can give you confidence in our dedicated legal team.

Contact our firm today to learn about your options and schedule a case evaluation.

Contact an Attorney Before Your Insurance Company

Insurance providers want you to call them at once to discuss the accident, but this is not in your best interest. Although you should notify them in a timely manner, your first step should be to contact your law firm. If you contact your insurance provider first, you run the risk of self-incriminating yourself by saying something that alludes to you being to blame. What you say will be used against you and may reduce your chance at proper coverage.

By working with our team at the earliest moment, we can analyze your case and will speak with your insurance company ourselves.


As you file your claim, you will need to have details about the accident, as well as information about all involved parties, close by. Some of the information needed include:

  • Time, date, and place of the incident
  • Photos of the scene
  • A copy of the police report
  • Names, addresses, and insurance information of those involved
  • Witness information to support claim

The claims adjuster assigned to your case will assess the information and the damage of your vehicle. In many cases, the insurance company and auto shop will negotiate an agreement about the repair cost.

Depending on who is found to be at fault for the accident, either party’s insurance company will pay for the damage costs. You may be able to seek reimbursement for other damages, including:

  • Collision insurance deductible
  • Time spent out of work
  • Auto rental costs
  • Your car’s diminished resale value

As you navigate this process, make sure to have a reliable attorney by your side. Contact us today!


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