Texting While Driving is a Deadly Game

Texting and driving is one of the most dangerous types of distracted driving because it involves the three types of distraction: visual, manual and cognitive. It is especially dangerous for teenage drivers who have little experience on the road. Parents should encourage their children to limit driving after dark and the number of passengers their teens have, but most importantly, there should be a rule that cell phones are never in use while the teen driving. This insures there is little to no distraction in the car and that the teenager can operate the vehicle as safely as possible.

In order to really understand the dangers of texting and driving and get a front row seat to the reality of its dangers you have to understand the harm caused. The painful story of 19 year old Heather Lerch is instructive. Heather was killed in a texting and driving accident as she was on her way home from work one night.

Her parents have been working extremely hard to spread the message about texting and driving. Heather’s parents started a campaign urging others to note text and drive. “Don’t let an LOL become an OMG,”.

The tragic loss of Heather’s life does not have to be repeated. Don’t text and drive, arrive alive.


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