Keep Americans Safe from Deadly Products

Congress is rushing through legislation that would give handouts to corporations that knowingly exposed millions of Americans to the deadly toxin asbestos. In a previous House Judiciary Subcommittee hearing, Chairman Spencer Bachus promised to hear from victims who oppose this bill. That request has not been fulfilled.

H.R. 982, the “Furthering Asbestos Claim Transparency Act of 2013,” may delay and deny justice until asbestos victims die. Time spent on this bill is a waste for all involved, and the ultimate insult to families whose loved ones have died or are dying from asbestos-related diseases.

Asbestos was discovered to be deadly before 1900. However, asbestos corporate executives covered up this fact for profit. It is hard to imagine but asbestos is still legal in the United States and kills at least 10,000 Americans every year. Estimates show that asbestos will have killed 432,465 Americans by the year 2029.

Tell Congress to focus on keeping Americans safe from deadly products and stop protecting corporations that knowingly place workers and consumers in danger. Contact your representative today!


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